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Tri-Hole Fiber Optic Stripper

Price: ¥ 5,771
Sold: 1491
Availability: In Stock
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Three holes Fiber Optic Stripper model performs all common fiber stripping functions. 
This Fiber Optic Stripper strips the 2-3 mm fiber jacket down to the 900 micron buffer coating. 
The second hole strips the 900 micron buffer coating down to the 250 micron coating and the third hole is used to strip the 250 micron cable down to the glass fiber without nicks or scratches.

NOTE: These tools are cutting devices for stripping buffer coatings from optical fiber and not intended to strip wire. 

Stripping is the act of removing the protective polymer coating around optical fiber in preparation for fusion splicing, so a good quality fiber stripper will safely and efficiently remove the outside jacket from an optical fiber cable, and can help you speed up the process of performing fiber network maintenance work and avoid excessive network downtime. We supplies various of high quality optical fiber stripper for customer to choice, if you need this Tri-Hole Fiber Optic Stripper in a large quantity, welcome to contact us for we will provide you a special discount.